
Check out our latest events

Светот се подготвува за професиите на иднината, а ние сѐ уште се занимавме со „дали ќе ми стигнат пари до крајот на месецот“ – Подкаст со Катерина Златановска – Попова, Советник за развој на кариера

Светот се подготвува за професиите на иднината, а ние сѐ уште се занимавме со „дали ќе ми стигнат пари до крајот на месецот“ – Подкаст со Катерина Златановска – Попова, Советник за развој на кариера

Слушни тука
Your career in your hands!


MATA Skopje in cooperation with the Francophone Center for Employability and the Faculty of Philology "Blaze Koneski" in Skopje started a training for the development of skills for employability "Your career in your hands!"

Practical, dynamic, and experiential, the program will enable students to plan their career and help them set specific goals and fulfill their dreams.

MATA host of a study visit of Ecohoryzont from Poland


From October 16th, 2023, MATA is a host of a study visit for the organization Ecohoryzont Stowarzyszenie Ekohoryzont from Poland. It's a pleasure to present our best practices and approaches when it comes to the recycling and reuse of different materials like textiles, wood, and glass. It was a great moment to present the work of MATA, Center for Social Entrepreneurship, Rebel, SIEC Centre, as well as our Macedonian traditions and culture.

Creative thinking (Out of the Box) and problem solving

On March 2, 2023, in cooperation with the Center for Research, Development and Continuing Education - CIRKO and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje within the framework of the FabLab project, Katerina Zlatanovska Popova started her new role as President of MATA with a workshop for students on the topic: Creative thinking (Out of the Box) and problem solving

18th CRAFTART FEST 2022, City Mall, Skopje


After two pandemic years, handmade lovers can once again find the perfect gifts in one place. A selection of handmade gift items and accessories for the season from more than 20 manufacturers will be available for sale from 10am to 10pm this weekend, December 24 and 25, 2022. In addition to original pieces of jewelry, handmade bags and fashion accessories and decorations for the home, at each stand the masters of the craft await you personally with whom you can exchange a word or two and find out their story, the love transformed into their creation as well as the way of creating every single piece and product.

17th CraftART Fest


And the first annual online bazaar of unique, handmade gift items, Christmas decorations, home decor accessories, fashion accessories...and so much more...

Organizers: MATA and GROUPER

duration: 03.12 – 31.12.2020

Open the links above and choose a favorite craft for yourself or choose a gift to give these holiday days.

Shop without the hustle and bustle, with online ordering and delivery to your desired location or product pickup, SHOP FROM HOME, SAFELY

Support small creative businesses, designers, artisans, and artists!

16th CraftART Fest 2019, Hotel ARKA

Date: 1 of December, 2019

Time: 10:30am-8:00pm

We would like to invite you to this year’s Christmas CraftArt Fest at the Hotel Arka, 7th Floor, Old Skopje Bazaar.

The works of over 30 artisans will be available for purchase with a selection of handmade gift items and accessories for winter season.

Products will include handmade jewelry, glass products, gift cards, handbags, personal fashion items and much, much more…

We hope you will all be able to join us, and will also help share the news about this art and craft sale with your colleagues and friends.

The artisans’ products will be on display and available for purchase from 10:30 am to 8 pm, on Sunday, December 1th

Everyone is welcome and we are looking forward to seeing you there

Organizer: MATA

Partner: Hotel Arka

Supporter: City of Skopje

Prijava i uslovi za ucestvo 2019

15th CraftART Fest 2018 - Hotel ARKA

15th CraftART Fest 2018,  Hotel ARKA

Date: 9 of December, 2019
Time: 10:00am-8:00pm

We would like to invite you to this year’s Christmas CraftArt Fest at the Hotel Arka, 7th Floor, Old Skopje Bazaar.
The works of over 30 artisans will be available for purchase with a selection of handmade gift items and accessories for winter season.
Products will include handmade jewelry, glass products, gift cards, handbags, personal fashion items and much, much more…
We hope you will all be able to join us, and will also help share the news about this art and craft sale with your colleagues and friends.
The artisans’ products will be on display and available for purchase from 10 am to 8 pm, on Sunday, December 9th
Everyone is welcome and we are looking forward to seeing you there

Organizer: MATA
Partner: Hotel Arka


18ти октомври, 13 часот
КОНЦЕПТ 37, Рузвелтова 37, 1000 Скопје

Цел на овој конкурс е зајакната и подобрена понуда на сувенири за Град Скопје, во функција на подобрен имиџ на Градот, преку креирање на нова понуда на сувенири.

Истовремено, прку овој конкурс се овозможи идентификација, промоција и вклучување на креативниот дизајнерски потенцијал со цел истиот да даде свој директен придонес во креирањето на модерни и во духот на времето сувенири.

Kреирањето на сувенирите во современите туристички понуди, веќе не е само во рацете на стихијната креација на занаетчиите и ракотворците, туку сè повеќе е резултат на јасно дефинирани дизјнерски и маркетинг активности кои го создаваат имиџот, промовираат и презентираат градот, со цел на подолги патеки да се изгради и создаде бренд на Град Скопје. Големото Јаболко (Њу Јорк), Златната Прага (Прага), Градот на седумте ридови (Рим), се само мал дел од убавите примери на јасно изграден бренд за градот.

Конкурсот е организиран од Здружение на граѓани МАТА – Скопје, со финансиска поддршка на Град Скопје - Одделение за соработка и поддршка на здруженија на граѓани и фондации