Check out our latest events
Како да ги инспирираме младите - примери од нашите Еразмус + проекти
Watch hereThe First Clothing and Accessories Swap – A Successful Step Towards Sustainable Fashion!
This Saturday, December 14, 2024, MATA Skopje held its first clothing and accessories swap event with the support of the youth organization Leaders Without Borders. The event, which also included a workshop for girls and women, provided an opportunity to present the project “Stop Fast Fashion” while highlighting the importance of sustainable fashion, and it garnered significant attention.
A special thanks to all the participants who enthusiastically supported our efforts, bringing items for exchange and leaving with something "new" but of greater value for the planet. The atmosphere was filled with positive energy, smiles, and inspiring ideas for future activities. The overwhelmingly positive feedback we received motivates us to turn this event into a lasting tradition.
We invite you to participate in our upcoming activities. Together, let’s create a conscious and sustainable future!
We are thrilled to share the success of our recent creative multicultural workshop, with participants from Poland, Estonia, the USA, and Macedonia, led by the exceptionally talented artisan Eleonora Duljanova! Held as part of our Stop Fast Fashion initiative, this workshop showcased how a little creativity and some colors can transform any fashion item or accessory into a unique and fashionable piece of art.
Participants explored the beauty of upcycling, giving new life to their clothing and accessories while adding a personal touch. The workshop emphasized the importance of sustainable fashion and creativity in reducing our environmental footprint.
During the event, we also took the opportunity to recognize and celebrate the outstanding contributions of our experts and collaborators from SIEC, Gordana, and Frosina by presenting them with certificates of appreciation. Their dedication and support have been instrumental in driving the success of our projects.
The workshop was a vibrant celebration of art, culture, and sustainability, inspiring everyone to rethink their fashion choices and embrace creativity in their everyday lives.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Eleonora Duljanova for her artistic expertise and to all the participants who made this event memorable. Stay tuned for more exciting workshops and initiatives as we continue to promote sustainable and creative fashion!
First Partner Meeting: Setting the Stage for Success with DMLRSA!
This week marked an exciting milestone for our Erasmus+ project Dance Me to Leadership, Resilience, Stress Management, and Art Therapy (DMLRSA) as our incredible partners from Turkiye, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Czechia gathered for our first partner meeting!
Key Moments from the Meeting:
Aligning practical details to ensure a smooth implementation of our training course.
Strategizing on the development of our Info Pack for the participants.
Strengthening our shared commitment to empowering youth workers to support young people in tackling stress, anxiety, and burnout.
Work in progress! We are actively preparing for the next step in our Erasmus+ project. Today, we had a capacity-building meeting with our experienced partner and collaborator, Ilona Olehlova, from the Czech organization Mission: Reconnect. In just a few days, our Application form and Info pack will be ready to be presented to our partners: Universe 8 Foundation from Bulgaria, Edukacija za budukjnost Praskozorje from Serbia, and TPOCG from Turkiye. Next step - Partner's coordination meeting!
Stop fast fashion. Support artisans and craft enterprises - Talk with Katerina Zlatanovska Popova.
Watch here
Successfully Completed Workshop: “Market Readiness: Skills for Success for Creatives”
On November 8, 2024, an inspiring workshop took place at the Youth Hub in Skopje, bringing together creatives and young entrepreneurs!
What did we achieve?
Participants gained essential skills for better market performance.
Through real-world examples and practical advice, we shared tools for success and strategies for growth.
We fostered networking and offered individual support, helping participants create actionable steps for future projects.
This workshop was an excellent opportunity to showcase some of the Erasmus+ project “Stop Fast Fashion” activities, which aims to support young creatives in developing sustainable and innovative solutions for the modern market.
The excellent energy and positive feedback from participants confirmed the importance of such initiatives.
Follow us for upcoming events and trainings – your success story starts with us!
On November 8, 2024, MATA will hold a free training titled:
"Market Readiness – Skills for Success for Artisans"
The training will be led by Vesna Avramovska, co-founder of MATA, a renowned expert, and experienced trainer.
The event is designed to help artisans, designers, and micro and small creative business owners strengthen their market positioning skills and enhance their competitiveness. The aim is to help the participants acquire practical skills and knowledge to build a solid foundation for their business, increase their sales opportunities, and ensure their success in a dynamic market.
Date and Time: November 8, 2024, Friday, from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: Mladi Hub, Skopje
Dimitar Chupovski St. No. 7 (Rekord)
Spaces are limited, and if you are interested, please fill out the application at the following link:
Participants will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis.
Interview with Katerina Zlatanovska Popova - Erasmus+ project 'Stop fast fashion'
Watch here
We are proud to announce the launch of our new project within the Erasmus+ program, supported by the National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility! The project "Dance Me to Leadership, Resilience, Stress Management, and Art Therapy" with number 2024-1-MK01-KA153-YOU-

Tonight, we hosted the inspiring "Join Fashion Revolution - Stop Fast Fashion" webinar as part of the #ErasmusDays celebrations!
A heartfelt thank you to our speakers who shared their invaluable insights on sustainable fashion and how we can all contribute to slowing down fast fashion trends. Your passion and expertise are key in driving this much-needed change.
Congratulations to our 3 winners of the contest for best blog/vlog! You are a great inspiration to all of us. Together, we can rethink our fashion choices, protect the planet, and support more ethical practices.
Stay tuned for more events and initiatives that empower positive change in the fashion industry as we proceed with the implementation of our Erasmus+ project ‘Stop Fast Fashion’ together with our coordinators from Poland, FERI Fundacja Edukacji Rozwoju i Innowacji!
Започнува ерата на одржливиот стил: Придружете се на модната промена!
Read moreMATA, SIEC Macedonia , and FERI FERI Fundacja Edukacji, Rozwoju i Innowacji have something very special and inspiring for you!
Save the date: 16.10.2024 from 19:00 - 20:30 and meet inspirational designers and NGO representatives who will share their stories on sustainable fashion.
Meet us on ZOOM:
Meeting ID: 891 3109 7645
Passcode: 324387
Slow Fashion
Blogging/Vlogging Contest - Participation Guidelines
- Purpose of the Contest
The goal of the contest is to promote sustainable fashion through blogs and vlogs that document participants' experiences in creating a more eco-friendly wardrobe. Participants are encouraged to share insights on capsule wardrobes, ethical fashion brands, and mindful shopping practices. The competition is announced as part of the Erasmus 2024 Programme Days, #ErasmusDays2024.
- Eligibility
The contest is open to all individuals across Europe who are interested in sustainable fashion. Participants must be at least 18 years old.
- Contest Categories
- Blogging: Written articles for blogs.
- Vlogging: Video content on platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
- Contest Topics
Entries can address, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- Capsule Wardrobes: How to create a minimalist, functional wardrobe (a small, carefully selected collection of clothing that can be mixed and matched to create a variety of outfits. The idea behind a capsule wardrobe is to simplify your clothing choices, reduce clutter, and focus on quality over quantity.)
- Ethical Fashion Brands: Presentation and review of brands that focus on environmental and ethical practices.
- Mindful Shopping: Tips and advice on making conscious fashion purchases.
5. Participation Rules
1.Content Creation:
- Blog: Articles should be a minimum of 800 words and must be original. Sources and references should be included.
- Vlog: Videos should be between 3 to 10 minutes long. Content should be original, well-edited, and visually appealing.
- !!! NOTE: One person can submit only one proposal.
- Submission:
- Blog: Submit the article as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file to the email address: with the subject line “Slow Fashion Contest.”
- Vlog: Submit the link to the video on YouTube, Vimeo, or another public platform to the email address: with the subject line “Slow Fashion Contest.” Alternatively, you may submit the video file in .mp4 format.
- Deadline: Entries must be submitted by October 2, 2024, 16:00 CET.
- Formatting:
- Blogs: Use standard font size (12 pt), 1.5 line spacing, and simple formatting.
- Vlogs: Videos should be in HD resolution (720p or higher).
5. Language:
- Articles and videos must be in English.
- Evaluation Criteria
- Originality and Creativity: How innovative and engaging are the entries? Max 10 points
- Relevance: How well do the entries address the contest’s purpose? Max 10 points
- Quality: Is the article written in clear simple language, and does it effectively present the topic? Is the video well-edited and produced? Max 10 points
- Impact: How effectively can the content influence audiences regarding sustainable fashion? Max 20 points
- Prizes
- The top two entries will be featured in a webinar on the 16th of October 2024.
- The best entry will be showcased at the final project conference in Poland (June/July 2025).
- Publication Consent
Participants agree to the publication of their entries on project websites and in promotional materials, including social media platforms and project publications.
- Copyright
- Participants must be the authors of their submitted content.
- No copying or plagiarism of other people's work is allowed.
- Personal Data
By submitting entries, participants consent to the processing of their personal data for contest-related purposes. Data will be used only for contacting participants and for contest-related activities and will not be shared with third parties without participant consent.
Under Article 6(1)(a) of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR), participants consent to the processing of personal data contained in the Slow Fashion Contest application.
Participants acknowledge that:
- The Data Controller is the Foundation for Education, Development, and Innovation, located at Zakopiańska 156, Kraków, Poland, contact phone: +48 501 375 960, email:
- The Data Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted at for all data processing matters.
- Personal data will be processed solely for the purposes of conducting this contest and for promoting the contest entries.
- Data will be processed for the duration necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected, including the time needed for project document archiving and any potential audit related to the Erasmus+ project.
- Individuals have the right to access, rectify, erase (where permitted by law), or restrict processing of their data, as well as the right to object to processing and to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, and the right to data portability.
- Data will not be transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area or to international organizations.
- Contestant data will be processed as described in the following link:
- Content Integrity
Submitted content must be truthful and free from offensive or inappropriate materials. All content must be relevant to the contest’s theme.
- Disqualification
The contest organizer reserves the right to disqualify any entry that violates contest rules or is not relevant to the contest theme. The organizer’s decision on disqualification is final and non-appealable.
- Confirmation
By submitting their entry, participants confirm that they have read and agree to the terms and conditions outlined above.
14. Questions and Contact
For questions, please contact:
Questions can be asked in Polish, Macedonian, or English. We will respond to all inquiries within 3 business days.
Start your journey towards sustainable fashion and show the world how to combine style with responsibility!

We're thrilled to announce that our new project is officially underway! We had a fantastic informative and inspiring kick-off meeting with our team members from MATA and our coordinator, the Polish organization FERI, followed by a productive planning session. A major milestone was achieved with the signing of the contract, solidifying our commitment to this project. As part of the Erasmus+ Stop Fast Fashion project, we're excited to make a positive impact in our communities.
Stay tuned for more updates on our progress and what we're up to!
Светот се подготвува за професиите на иднината, а ние сѐ уште се занимавме со „дали ќе ми стигнат пари до крајот на месецот“ – Подкаст со Катерина Златановска – Попова, Советник за развој на кариера
MATA Skopje in cooperation with the Francophone Center for Employability and the Faculty of Philology "Blaze Koneski" in Skopje started a training for the development of skills for employability "Your career in your hands!"
Practical, dynamic, and experiential, the program will enable students to plan their career and help them set specific goals and fulfill their dreams.
From October 16th, 2023, MATA is a host of a study visit for the organization Ecohoryzont Stowarzyszenie Ekohoryzont from Poland. It's a pleasure to present our best practices and approaches when it comes to the recycling and reuse of different materials like textiles, wood, and glass. It was a great moment to present the work of MATA, Center for Social Entrepreneurship, Rebel, SIEC Centre, as well as our Macedonian traditions and culture.
On March 2, 2023, in cooperation with the Center for Research, Development and Continuing Education - CIRKO and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje within the framework of the FabLab project, Katerina Zlatanovska Popova started her new role as President of MATA with a workshop for students on the topic: Creative thinking (Out of the Box) and problem solving
After two pandemic years, handmade lovers can once again find the perfect gifts in one place. A selection of handmade gift items and accessories for the season from more than 20 manufacturers will be available for sale from 10am to 10pm this weekend, December 24 and 25, 2022. In addition to original pieces of jewelry, handmade bags and fashion accessories and decorations for the home, at each stand the masters of the craft await you personally with whom you can exchange a word or two and find out their story, the love transformed into their creation as well as the way of creating every single piece and product.
And the first annual online bazaar of unique, handmade gift items, Christmas decorations, home decor accessories, fashion accessories...and so much more...
Organizers: MATA and GROUPER
duration: 03.12 – 31.12.2020
Open the links above and choose a favorite craft for yourself or choose a gift to give these holiday days.
Shop without the hustle and bustle, with online ordering and delivery to your desired location or product pickup, SHOP FROM HOME, SAFELY
Support small creative businesses, designers, artisans, and artists!
Date: 1 of December, 2019
Time: 10:30am-8:00pm
We would like to invite you to this year’s Christmas CraftArt Fest at the Hotel Arka, 7th Floor, Old Skopje Bazaar.
The works of over 30 artisans will be available for purchase with a selection of handmade gift items and accessories for winter season.
Products will include handmade jewelry, glass products, gift cards, handbags, personal fashion items and much, much more…
We hope you will all be able to join us, and will also help share the news about this art and craft sale with your colleagues and friends.
The artisans’ products will be on display and available for purchase from 10:30 am to 8 pm, on Sunday, December 1th
Everyone is welcome and we are looking forward to seeing you there
Organizer: MATA
Partner: Hotel Arka
Supporter: City of Skopje
15th CraftART Fest 2018, Hotel ARKA
Date: 9 of December, 2019
Time: 10:00am-8:00pm
We would like to invite you to this year’s Christmas CraftArt Fest at the Hotel Arka, 7th Floor, Old Skopje Bazaar.
The works of over 30 artisans will be available for purchase with a selection of handmade gift items and accessories for winter season.
Products will include handmade jewelry, glass products, gift cards, handbags, personal fashion items and much, much more…
We hope you will all be able to join us, and will also help share the news about this art and craft sale with your colleagues and friends.
The artisans’ products will be on display and available for purchase from 10 am to 8 pm, on Sunday, December 9th
Everyone is welcome and we are looking forward to seeing you there
Organizer: MATA
Partner: Hotel Arka
18ти октомври, 13 часот
КОНЦЕПТ 37, Рузвелтова 37, 1000 Скопје
Цел на овој конкурс е зајакната и подобрена понуда на сувенири за Град Скопје, во функција на подобрен имиџ на Градот, преку креирање на нова понуда на сувенири.
Истовремено, прку овој конкурс се овозможи идентификација, промоција и вклучување на креативниот дизајнерски потенцијал со цел истиот да даде свој директен придонес во креирањето на модерни и во духот на времето сувенири.
Kреирањето на сувенирите во современите туристички понуди, веќе не е само во рацете на стихијната креација на занаетчиите и ракотворците, туку сè повеќе е резултат на јасно дефинирани дизјнерски и маркетинг активности кои го создаваат имиџот, промовираат и презентираат градот, со цел на подолги патеки да се изгради и создаде бренд на Град Скопје. Големото Јаболко (Њу Јорк), Златната Прага (Прага), Градот на седумте ридови (Рим), се само мал дел од убавите примери на јасно изграден бренд за градот.
Конкурсот е организиран од Здружение на граѓани МАТА – Скопје, со финансиска поддршка на Град Скопје - Одделение за соработка и поддршка на здруженија на граѓани и фондации